An ELCA Lutheran Congregation
Attend Our Services
We worship two ways every week and you have your choice of what works best for you...
In person - Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30AM Eastern
Online - If you cannot attend in person, you can join our live stream via Zoom by clicking HERE
Or you can watch past service recordings on our YouTube channel by clicking HERE
What is Good Shepherd?
We are a friendly and diverse group of people who come together to worship God, and receive his blessing and inspiration. Good Shepherd is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), and a part of the New England Synod. We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation.
All are welcome here at Good Shepherd. Our Lord welcomes all who seek him, and so do we. We welcome you whether you have been a life long church goer or have just walked in the door for the first time. We welcome people from every tradition, and people new to faith. We welcome people of every age, every color and culture, every sexual orientation and gender identity, every socioeconomic status, marital status, every differing ability. Welcome to believers, questioners and doubters.
We pledge to our Lord, to ourselves, to you, and to all others that we will strive to live and share our love as a reconciling people. In our hearts and in this place, all are welcome to celebrate and rejoice, to grieve and be healed. We believe and proclaim that Jesus lives in all of us and we are made new through Christ’s love.